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Showing posts from September, 2018

Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce Review

I am going to start off with the warning that Tamora Pierce is the writer I wish I could be which means this will not be an unbiased review. Because she is perfect and everything that comes from her is perfect. That being said, some works of hers are more perfect than others. Like this one and I will proceed to tell you why in such a manner that I expect you to have purchased the book by the end of it so I'll just leave an amazon link here: Arram is the young and awkwardly brilliant main character of the book. He has stumbled his way into a series of incidents at his mage school that indicate powers that he is not completely comfortable with having and is consequently thrown in with two other prematurely successful students, Ozorne and Varice. My sister once described this book to me as Harry Potter if Malfoy had successfully befriended Harry. While amusing, this book is really so much more. I have never read a book where I have gotten to know the