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Showing posts from January, 2016

Fractured Fairytales

In all of literature there are hundreds of genres. Every person finds their little cubby-hole filled with familiar sights and sounds that lulls you into a deep trance that doesn't end until the book is closed. Fractured fairytales are my little nook. I have heard people ask me if I feel like I'm reading the same book over and over, but it has never felt that way to me. To me I get to step into someone else's childhood home and explore a bit. I think most of us have pretended to be some fictional character at some time or another. I have gone through Madeline, Belle, Cinderella, and so many other beloved characters, but what brought the most fun was infusing those characters I so admired with my own personality, dreams, and aspirations. Suddenly they all had older brothers and younger sisters, they were forced to go to school, or they had powers stolen from another magical tale. Authors who can successfully write a fractured fairytale are masters in my mind. As I sai