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Showing posts from November, 2015

Rage Against "The Sweet Girl"

Okay, I am not normally one to go off on a mad rant against anything, but I am completely horrified by the book Sweet Girl  by Annabel Lyon. I was browsing through the clearance section of my University's bookstore when I found it. The cover is beautiful and the main character is the daughter of Aristotle and the summary promised the beautiful tale of a young girl challenging gender roles. I love Aristotle, I love Greek history, and I love a book with a strong female lead and so I snatched it up for a what seemed like a bargain at the time. I will say, with the exception of a slightly forced voice and the use of the word "daddy" a few too many times, I enjoyed the beginning of the book. It was simple, it was a little complex with her scholarly and femine side at war with one another, and it seemed light. About a third of the way through the book the author began forcing everything. The book became edgy where it had no right to be edgy, there was no cohesion between ac