While I did not like this book as much as "A Court of Thorns and Roses", also by Sarah J. Mass, I still recommend it. I am learning that one of this author's strongest points is knowing when to begin a a novel. She starts in the middle of the beginning and gets to the point. Also, her books flow so well that they are easy to read in a day. They are never confusing or over your head. This book in particular is unique and I cannot decide if I think Celaena is neurotic or the most relatable heroine ever. She certainly displays a few of the ticks one would expect in a traumatized child assassin. This is not a negative, in fact it makes it all so much more real. My major complaint about this book is simply that I did not believe the romance between Dorian and Celaena (and I am wholly devoted to team Chaol). There is variation in the characters and they all had so much depth, except for Dorian. I have been informed he does improve in later books. In fact, I h...